Monday, August 24, 2009


When I was a child, one of the things I delighted in was going to the local fete (or fair). And, one of the delights for tiny hands (and tiny mouth) at the fete, was 'cupcakes'!

Next Friday night 28th August is CupCakeCamp Sydney @cccsyd to raise money for the RSPCA. Please join us at CBS Interactive Lvl 12/ 50 Goulburn St, Sydney NSW 2000 Show map...

REGISTER HERE we need people to MAKE (cook and decorate) cupcakes and people to EAT cupcakes ... if you're cooking here are a few ideas to get you started ...

This is mum's Competition Patty Cakes recipe - and here are some others that were contributed or discovered:

Peanut Butter cupcakes and a Full Cupcake Week from fujimama

Vampire Cupcakes

Sparkly_Tiara found Cupcake kebabs

10 Interestingly Unique Cupcakes

and ozquilter made Himalayan Goji Berry Chocolate Cupcakes topped with Chocolate Ganache and Himalayan Pink Salt for the RSPCA cupcake day at her work "As a team building exercise for our work we decided to participate in the Cupcake Day for the RSPCA there’s a lot of keen people who want to eat them, but very few who want to make them, so I’ll be busy making cupcakes this weekend. The theme for the cupcakes is ‘animal’ so I thought chocolate and berry butterfly cakes would work well, mind you, I haven’t baked cupcakes in ages (wont say how long) and so this will be an interesting experiment in small cake making for me. We’re also in the process of moving house and ALL my cookery books are packed so I searched the interweb and found this recipe to try"

and the last word ... I of course most usually bake a 'big' cake (not 'little' cakes) and so will turn any favourite cake recipe into cupcakes for a good cause (just reduce the cooking time)

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